LET FAITH ABOUND – Wed, Feb 08, 2017

​2 Thessalonians 1:3 KJV

We are bound to thank God always for you, brethren, as it is meet, because that your faith groweth exceedingly, and the charity of every one of you all toward each other aboundeth;

One of the main objectives of the Church (body of Christ) is to grow in faith and in love.

You can by no means stay in church without growing in faith nor abounding in love for others. Unfortunately this is the situation of our generation. Many of us have being in church for well over 20years and yet CANNOT testify of an increase in our own faith.

Thankfully, we don’t need any kind of meter to check this. You know for yourself what your situation is and whether your faith in the God you profess is on the decline, at a standstill or at an exponential growth.

Paul thanked God for what he witnessed in Thessalonica. Their faith had grown and love for fellow Christians had abounded much. If you can’t relate then something is definitely wrong. Seek it and work at it.

Have a blessed day.

#CarllyDevotionals #1ChapterADay #OCP


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