WHO SINNED? – Tue, May 05, 2020

John 9:2-3 KJV

And his disciples asked him, saying, Master, who did sin, this man, or his parents, that he was born blind?

[3] Jesus answered, Neither hath this man sinned, nor his parents: but that the works of God should be made manifest in him.

A very good number of people believe in the law of karma. In fact, it is one of such laws that I cuts across various religions, in terms of those who believe it, not necessarily what their religion itself professes.

So one day when I was being kind to a beggar, a senior colleague and a business mentor told me not to. He tried to impress on me that the dude had done terribly in his previous life. I was a bit surprised because for the Christian he is, I didn’t know he subscribed to such a doctrine. The purpose of this is not to debate whether he was right or wrong, but just to establish the fact that, belief in karma transcends religious boundaries.

In Jesus’s time, the Jews had similar mindset, and the teachers of the law propagated same; that sicknesses, disorders, deformities, etc were a result of sin by oneself or one’s parents or ancestors. Though this may be true in some instances, Jesus sought to teach that, that is NOT always the case.

For God to be glorified, some things MUST be abased. No wonder John the Baptist said “I must decrease so He might increase.” This goes without saying that for Christ to increase in you, certain things, like pride, etc, must decrease!
Be still, your situation may just be launchpad for others to see God’s manifestation in your life. Have a blessed day.

#CarllyDevotionals #1ChapterADay #OCP

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