LOANING GOD – Tue, Nov 03, 2015

Proverbs 19:17 KJVloaning to God
He that hath pity upon the poor lendeth unto the Lord; and that which he hath given will he pay him again.

I always keep some coins in my car to give to those who ask me when I’m usually at the traffic lights. I must confess that some of them really look like they need the money more than I do.

One day when I did the usual, a woman whom I had given a lift to, rebuked me strongly and advised me to shun such a habit. Her reasons were numerous… from spiritual to superstitious reasons. She even hurled a few harsh words to the “needy woman” who begged for the arms. “Why should we give you money to bleach your face!” she shouted.

Today the philosopher is urging us to have pity on the poor. This is equal to lending to God and He will definitely pay back. (He is more credit worthy than a Lannister!!!)

Your reasons for avoiding contact with beggars may be very genuine and justifiable, but once your motives are clean, God will never use that good deed against you. He pays back, He’s done that severally to me, He won’t stop doing that on your account.

Have a blessed day.
#CarllyDevotionals #1ChapterADay

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