HOPE RESTORATION – Thu, Jun 11, 2015

Hope RestorationPsalm 23:3 KJV
He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.

Psalm 23 I believe is one of the popular Psalms of all time if not the most popular. David could easily write a piece like this because on countless occasions when he could have given up, he didn’t… God restored his soul.

Every Christian needs be a resource of hope restoration to others who have lost it. Difficult as this may be, we always need to champion this cause as it is one dear to the heart of the Father.

One may easily ask, but how can I restore hope when I myself I’m down and need a revival of my own soul? This is where the Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi comes in. The more you restore hope or the souls of others, the more restoration you find therein for your own soul.

I have tried this and know how it works. The fulfilment in this is immeasurable. God wants to use you to revive and restore the hope of someone, He wants you to be that conduit to bring restoration to someone’s soul? Are you game?

#CarllyDevotionals #1ChapterADay

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